Theme I: The Perspective of Top Management
Helps you gain a greater appreciation for the variety of business issues facing senior executives today. Using lectures, discussion, case studies, and team projects, we introduce you to executive leadership issues, environmental and strategic issues, use of financial statements, organizational assessment and design, technology management and communications.
Theme II: Evaluating Market Performance
Focuses on the different disciplines and markets in which the modern firm must compete, including financial, product, and labor markets. Its purpose is to familiarize you with the interactions of these markets and the effect of managerial decisions on the performance of the firm and to provide you with the tools necessary to do an effective evaluation. Provides in-depth training in statistics for decision making.
Theme III: Management of Operations
Provides an advanced look at each of the major business disciplines and their respective organizational functions. We undertake a systematic study of the management of marketing, organizational structure, accounting, and finance. In contrast to Theme II, which focuses on an external evaluation of performance, Theme III considers the firm's performance from an internal perspective. You will gain tools necessary to streamline operations across functions.
Theme IV: Technology and Information Systems Management
Examines how operations and information technology are used in managing the operations function of a firm. We place special emphasis on understanding production processes and work flows and how contemporary concepts such as business process reengineering, total quality management, team production, and just-in-time production can be used to improve performance. We introduce you to work design, project management, and hands on communication tools.
Theme V: Functional Strategies and Implementation
Focuses on developing communication skills that are essential for a senior executive. The theme involves case studies, short projects and simulations to develop these skills. This is a short theme where the content is spread out through the other themes during the year.