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“Marshall has a unique role to play in educating future leaders who excel at the technological fluency and human-centric problem solving needed to thrive in today’s ever-changing world."

"The unlimited opportunities and the unprecedented responsibilities in front of business are, by now, familiar to many. Never have more doors been open for innovation and growth — but so too, never has more been expected of business leaders and their commitments to improve the world around us.

Our mission is to empower the business leaders of tomorrow — our students — not only to seize the boundless opportunities generated by technological innovation and the digital economy, but also to anticipate and shape the far-reaching societal implications of that innovation.”

— Dean Geoff Garrett


  • Board of Councilors

    Board of Councilors

    The Board of Councilors is an advisory board that supports USC Marshall’s continuous drive for excellence as a global leader in business education. Board members bring deep professional expertise and experience from varied personal backgrounds, industries, and geographies around the globe, serve as key advisors and ambassadors for the School, share strategic advice and counsel with the Dean and senior leadership, and provide philanthropic support to ensure that the School thrives.


The Dean’s Cabinet is comprised of faculty members and executive-level staff who serve as advisers to Dean Geoff Garrett in setting and executing his strategic plan for the Marshall School of Business.


  • Board of Leaders

    Board of Leaders

    The USC Marshall Board of Leaders is comprised of distinguished business leaders and other accomplished individuals. Board members are selected based on eminent professional or personal achievement, personal interest in business, and demonstrated ability and history of helping USC Marshall further its mission to prepare the leaders of the future.


  • Corporate Advisory Board

    Corporate Advisory Board

    The USC Marshall Corporate Advisory Board is comprised of senior level executives from major corporations from around the world. Their purpose is to support the research and education mission at Marshall. The CAB serves as a crucial link between the school and the international corporate business community and provides input on the strategic direction of the school.


  • Dean's Alumni Council

    Dean's Alumni Council

    The Dean's Alumni Council (DAC) is comprised of dedicated alumni volunteer leaders who serve as representative voices and ambassadors of the school within the global Marshall Community. This working advisory council for the dean helps guide annual programming and initiatives that advance the school’s strategic vision, including business networking and fostering a strong culture of philanthropy.